I am a Professor at a major State University and my wife is a high school teacher.

This essay is wildly inaccurate about what is happening in education, and Rufo is totally correct.

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No he isn't. You're lying about that. I wouldn't be surprised if you were lying about you and your wife's professions either.

Begone, troll.

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Argued like a typical leftist. The hate and intolerance of anybody that has a different opinion from a leftist is always palpable.

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Jul 28, 2022·edited Jul 28, 2022

Your side is banning books and trying to fire and/or prosecute anybody who your side CLAIMS is "grooming" children or providing information about abortions. Rufo is ON RECORD saying that his nonsense about CRT and LGBTQI is indeed nonsense meant to rile people up. His horseshit about groomers is especially foul and is already getting people hurt (to whit, all of the proud boys turning up at book readings threatening violence.)

Turns out it's your side that can't tolerate differing opinions.

Incidentally, I don't hate you for your opinions. The fact that I'm engaging with you at all makes it pretty clear that I tolerate your opinion and your right to express it, even on a leftist blog. I just don't accept your opinion.

Again, begone, troll.

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Jul 28, 2022·edited Jul 28, 2022

Normals are not "banning books" we exerting rational control over what children see using existing and appropriate channels. You can "unban" those books using those same channels - if you could civilly or rationally debate, and more importantly - if your ideas had any worthy basis to stand on.

We are not prosecuting anybody. We are making rational rules for what has always been understood by everybody as appropriate behavior. Using the existing mechanisms for making those rules. If leftists who lack appropriate conduct for a civil society can't abide by what the majority think is appropriate - they will be removed. But that will be their choice.

Calling people names and telling them to "be gone" from a forum for debate, is just one more display of leftist inappropriate behavior. Societies actions against your behavior are justified and caused by you. Your nasty behavior is name calling and dismissal of others is accurately summarized broadly - as hate. Leftists inability to self-evaluate their own behavior and that of their "team", is typical of leftists.

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