Long-time reader, first time commenter, and with the caveat that I have never been to Leuven.

I stumbled on the Dr. Guislain Museum on a short weekend in Ghent: https://www.museumdrguislain.be/en/home

It's a museum of the history of psychiatry, but also more. It features a historical section of the history of psychiatry from ancient Athens to Adderall, contemporary exhibits about how we perceive other human beings and their mental states and diagnoses. And it's in a former asylum.

A completely unique place, collection, and curatorial perspective.

To me that puts Ghent over the edge.

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I loved the pictures and commentary about the Belgium cities and the John Oliver clip was great as well as depressing. One thing I've repeatedly noticed is that Republicans, who also claim to be good Christians, do not want to help individuals, unless they're wealthy. While they believe in Reagan's "welfare queens" and that low-income people are trying to pull a fast one, they have no problem with the wealthy and corporations getting tax breaks (deductions and credits) and for cutting their tax rates. If the wealthy and corporations paid more in taxes that money could be used to help more individuals. I also think the wage cap on Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid needs to be increased, or better yet, eliminated. Vote accordingly.

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It seems to be Patricia that Republicans bought their own bullshit when it comes to prosperity gospel and trickle down economics.

It sure is convenient to believe God gives wealth aplenty to the "deserving" even if that wealth mostly comes from fleecing the other 90% of working Americans. It also dovetails nicely with the faux libertarian billionaires thinking their giant piles of money represent actual "merit" and as such, they deserve to own and rule over the rest of us.

Personally, I'm always pretty suspicious of people who always claim God wants the exact same things THEY want. :P

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Thank you for a nice break from my usual daily doomscrolling...

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A true scientific approach would include the opportunity to see live music, preferably of the improvised variety. One visit to the jazz dive bar Hot Club Gent in the tiny alley behind the Waterhuis would have convinced you Ghent should've come out on top.

Leuven's a nice city too though.

For the coffee lovers: go to Mok in Leuven and Way in Ghent. Way's vegan bakery gives Ghent another edge over Leuven by the way.

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