I've been banging the drum on White Christian nationalism for a while now, using the broader term "default identity politics", to include, for example, Hindutvana and Islamism. https://crookedtimber.org/2019/12/27/tolerance-acceptance-deference-dominance/

A useful related concept is the "unmarked category" https://crookedtimber.org/2020/09/01/unmarked-categories/

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Excellent summary of Christian Nationalism as white identity politics and I do agree that this is a very scary thing. It is men who force these beliefs on others. I'm aware that some women are also committed to this cause, buy they are not the decision makers. As Alito said: “Americans who do not hide their adherence to traditional religious beliefs about homosexual conduct will be ‘labeled as bigots and treated as such’ by the government.” This begs the question, whose "traditional religious beliefs"? It's also clear that in Alito's comment about “the Nation’s history and traditions” easily ignores the fact that White Christians have written our history and our traditions. The term "Christian" is also not a monolith, as there are thousands of Christian sects around the world. Whose Christianity are they talking about? Save us from the closed-mind self-righteous. If you have the inclination you should watch Shogun on Hulu (FX) to see the hatred between two Christian sects, the Protestants (England) and the Catholics (Portugal) while they both try to control and exploit the Japanese.

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