I agree with your article but, unfortunately, I don't have much hope about too many (or any) members of the Republican Party working with Democrats to pass legislation to stop Schedule F. They are too concerned with their own political positions and they're afraid of Trump. It's amazing to realize how many people who are afraid of their political leader think it's a good idea to go along with him, especially when it's proven that has no loyalty and will turn on anyone, for whatever reason.

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Yes, and it's a sure bet that if Schedule F becomes a serious issue, with Dems opposed, Rep opinion will polarize against the Dem position. Those bipartisan majorities will melt away.

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Unrelated, but I wanted to tell you something I learned about at my job: the states send their public assistance rolls to HHS, which compares them looking for people enrolled in more than one state, and sends hits back to the states. The resulting report is called PARIS. For some reason the actual data work is done at the Department of Defense. But it's not going to be done this quarter, and we don't know when it will resume, because the agreement between HHS and DOD has expired and they haven't signed a new one. From the perspective of citizens, the federal government hasn't... signed an agreement... with itself?

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frustrating - maintaining collaboration just within the federal govt is a challenge

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