Jun 4, 2022Liked by Don Moynihan

Here's a local news story by a reporter who was physically at the meeting. (I also am parent of two OPRFHS grads). https://www.oakpark.com/2022/06/03/oprf-responds-to-fake-news-story/

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People on the other side of the political spectrum have been saying this for years! Why not balance your article and talk about the far more abundant fake news coming from the left. Personally I don’t like either! But both sides should be recognized if you’re going to do a report like this. Unless of course you have your own bias, in that case you should let the reader know up front.

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Wow, to me I see a lib hitting back when they see it happening to them. Never mind that the FBI is treating parents like the enemy, or the Soros funded organizations that have turned our Cities into cesspools of crime and death. Guess we are living in a time where different groups are trying to get the upper hand. This might be a fake story gone viral, but based on the kids that schools and colleges are turning out, it probably isn’t too far from the truth!

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Wait - so you are saying that the powerpoint slide deck is REAL, but the whole story is FAKE? Talk about burying the lede.

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Jun 1, 2022·edited Jun 1, 2022

Have you considered actually reading the OPRF Board meeting minutes before making the bold declaration that this is "fake" news?

Of course not. That would mean that less pontificating and more analysis.

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Out of curiosity, what exactly do you think "equitable" grading schemes are?

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Points taken. Thanks for the context. W/ the understanding that no formal policy change has been enacted, I'm a little confused as to what, "...teachers are successfully exploring and implementing more equitable grading practices such as: utilizing aspects of competency-based grading, eliminating zeros from the grade book, and encouraging and rewarding growth over time," actually means in practice. What *precisely* is being explored and implemented? I'm curious to learn more about this issue :)

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This article is a blatant example of bias. Why only focus on conservative outlets? What about the big ones such as MSNBC, CNN, NPR, AP and others such as our local paper which interprets everything from the left’s perspective. It’s happening on both sides of the political spectrum, so why don’t you recognize that? Also, for an honest “history of plagiarism and fabrication” you might want to look at President Biden’s track record.

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I think as Sheryl Sandberg leaves Facebook, it's clear what the truth has become in America and how we got here. When platforms give power to a one percent, how can misinformation and bias not result? Reality by its very definition is some kind of consensus of all points of view.

That's not to say that GPT-4 won't automate most content online, of course.

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The article that made the claim originally did not publish the grading criteria, so I would take that up with them. Thanks!

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Jun 1, 2022·edited Jun 1, 2022

Remember there's a long US history of politicians buying/owning newspapers and spinning the news as they see fit. There was just (formerly) a profit to be made in opposing voices in local newspapers -- paid for by (now-free) online classified ads. The LGIS is filling a void using offshore Filipino journalists and designers and delivering copies of these newspapers to every registered voter's mailbox -- for a fee. Read about the rise of West Cook News here: https://chronicleillinois.com/news/cook-county-news/new-weekly-newspaper-mailers-part-of-gop-super-pac-strategy-in-west-cook-county/

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Jun 1, 2022·edited Jun 1, 2022

This is an excellent working example of the conservative media machine. I understand that without detailed research about local conservative media bias I am falling into the same trap of believing that this is "not only true but typical". However, it does not seem like a stretch to say that local media has become so unprofitable as to effectively not truly exist in an age where scale and virality are king.

I am not sure how it is to be done, but as a society we need to find a way to value and incentivize the curation of (expensive) accurate information over cheap misinformation. The "free" nature and ad based model of the internet are making that an increasingly difficult ask.

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